Tuesday, May 25, 2010

tuesday tunes: weak in the knees

The Tallest Man on Earth is amazing. On Sunday night, his small self and his huge voice and his three guitars filled up the room in a way I hadn't experienced before. How do you make notes hang like that? How can a single voice and a single guitar sound so vast? How do you write lyrics that damn beautiful?

I was weak in the knees, floating on his music for the too-short amount of time he played. And when he took his mouth away from the mic with the hopes that the crowd was singing along, and heard silence, I could barely refrain from screaming out, "It's not that we don't know your lyrics! We do!! Your voice is just too beautiful to be ruined by ours."

I'd say more, but I wouldn't do him justice. Plus, this woman tells it better than I would anyway.

Tallest Man, you are large in the minds of many indeed.

And, another note, Band of Horses added new tour dates. I say that without an exclamation point because, my dear friends, although I will be in Minneapolis the evening of their show at the State Theater, I will be unable to attend. I don't really feel like talking about it at the moment; maybe some day. For now, I'm just grateful I have California.

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