Wednesday, May 26, 2010

wednesday what-have-yous: a good reminder

In the midst of planning a wedding, when not-so-big things can seem oh-so-very big, it's a good reminder that, on that day, the details won't matter -- the day will be about us, about our love, about committing ourselves to each other for our lifetimes. It won't be about the venue, the chairs, or the centerpieces. All of that can be taken away, but what we have will always be.

This lovely couple had to change venues the day before their wedding and rearrange the vision that they'd worked on creating for over a year. But looking at the pictures, you'd never guess it -- their day was all about love. And fun! You can't forget the fun.

As one of their guests said, "Their marriage had been tested by fire, and they passed the test."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

tuesday tunes: weak in the knees

The Tallest Man on Earth is amazing. On Sunday night, his small self and his huge voice and his three guitars filled up the room in a way I hadn't experienced before. How do you make notes hang like that? How can a single voice and a single guitar sound so vast? How do you write lyrics that damn beautiful?

I was weak in the knees, floating on his music for the too-short amount of time he played. And when he took his mouth away from the mic with the hopes that the crowd was singing along, and heard silence, I could barely refrain from screaming out, "It's not that we don't know your lyrics! We do!! Your voice is just too beautiful to be ruined by ours."

I'd say more, but I wouldn't do him justice. Plus, this woman tells it better than I would anyway.

Tallest Man, you are large in the minds of many indeed.

And, another note, Band of Horses added new tour dates. I say that without an exclamation point because, my dear friends, although I will be in Minneapolis the evening of their show at the State Theater, I will be unable to attend. I don't really feel like talking about it at the moment; maybe some day. For now, I'm just grateful I have California.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

friday favorites: in photos

Friday breakfast sandwiches in the office.

Moms and margaritas.


Babies and puppies.


Amazing breakfasts at moose&sadie's.

Fresh lemonade at the farmers market.

The Strongest Man on Earth.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

wednesday what-have-yous: hyphenating

Lately I've been trying to decide whether or not I want to change my name when I get married. I like my last name. Why do I have to be the one to change? Just because it's tradition? Why can't he take my last name? Why can't we combine our names? Why can't we choose a nice-sounding word and make that our last name? Maybe a little extreme, but I want to make sure that if and when I do change my name, I've given it some thought -- that I've made the decision that it's what I want to do, not what I should do or feel like I have to do. I want it to be a conscious decision, not something I accept just because "that's the way it's done."

Anyway, pre-marital headbutting aside, last names can be a funny topic. Literally.

I mean, Traylor-Hooker? Really???

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

tuesday tunes: jig-worthy

What a beautiful day for a morning run, and for the official release of the new Band of Horses album.

And, I'm already anticipating another amazing weekend, which will culminate with The Tallest Man on Earth at the Varsity Theater. Just thinking about it makes me want to do a little jig in my cube.

Monday, May 17, 2010

monday mentionable: camellia

For my 25th birthday, Mr. S. got me a lovely little dress from one of my favorite stores (he wanted to get me something special, and knew quite well I'd never drop that kind of cashola on myself). And, since shipping costs are silly and he didn't know which size to order, I got to go pick it up myself... and make sure it looked as good on me as it does on this headless mannequin.

Well, I went yesterday, and the headless mannequin proved sexier than I. Disappointing indeed. But then! I found something I liked even better. Readers, meet Camellia. Camellia, Readers.

Isn't she lovely?? When I put her on I felt like I should be sitting in Betty Draper's living room, smoking a cigarette out of one of those fancy, old, very feminine cigarette holders, vodka gimlet in hand. *Romantic sigh*

And I don't even like cigarettes.

Friday, May 14, 2010

friday favorite: i love planning

This week, Mr. S. and I planed our Big Trip for the year. My brother's getting married in Oakland, California in September, and we've decided to blow out all the stops -- an eleven-day, ten-night wedding/restaurant-ing/camping/California-ing/concert-ing extravaganza.

For those of you who haven't experienced Trip Planning Lia (like Malibu Barbie, but less leggy, less fashionable, and less concerned with lipstick), when I decide to plan, I PLAN. No messing around. It turns into a horse-blinders-on, head-down, twenty-five-tabs-open, keyboard-rockin', bulldozer of a few days. Andy knows to retreat, but to respond quickly and decisively when decisions are thrown his way.

Anyway, earlier this week, I planned the shit out of September, and am currently basking in the glory and satisfaction that rides in the wake of such planning.

What's that? You're as excited about seeing my itinerary as I am about showing it to you? What wonderful readers you are...

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, The Sherbrookian Californian Adventure:

Wednesday, September 15:
Travel -- flight arrives at 7pm
Dinner with family: Location TBD
Stay at hotel in Oakland

Thursday, September 16:
Explore; Family time
Mom's birthday dinner
Jeb's bachelor party
Stay at hotel in Oakland

Friday, September 17:
Explore; Family time
Stay at hotel in Oakland

Saturday, September 18:
Stay at hotel in Oakland

Sunday, September 19:
Breakfast at Dyanmo Donuts
Milwaukee Brewers v. San Francisco Giants at AT&T Stadium
Downtown San Francisco: Fisherman's Warf, Chinatown
Stay at hotel in Oakland

Monday, September 20
Rent car: Drive to Big Sur
Lunch along coast - Santa Cruz boardwalk
Beach stop
Dinner - Big Sur Roadhouse
Camping at Kirk Creek Campground

Tuesday, September 21:
Breakfast/Lunch: Big Sur Bakery
Explore: Pfeiffer Beach, hiking
Dinner: Nepenthe
Camping at Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park
Midnight hot springs at Esalen Institute

Wednesday, September 22:
Breakfast/Lunch at Big Sur Bakery
Hiking; beaches
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Dinner in Monterey: Location TBD
Camping at Manresa Uplands State Beach

Thursday, September 23:
Drive back to Bay
Lunch along coast: Location TBD
Return rental car
Dinner at Delfinas in San Francisco
Stay at hotel in Bay: Location TBD

Friday, September 24:

Brunch in San Francisco at the Tartine Bakery
Brewery tour at Anchor Brewing Company
Dinner in Berkeley: Location TBD
Band of Horses concert at the Greek Theater in Berkeley
Stay at hotel in Bay: Location TBD

Saturday, September 25:

Breakfast at awesome place: Location TBD
Fly home

I have a hunch that this is going to be a good one indeed... especially since the forecast for the Bay Area in September sounds a little bit like this: highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s, and zero rain.

Thank you, older brother, for choosing such a splendid place to say your vows.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

thirsty thursdays: haute

There's a new restaurant in the Warehouse District. Last week, HauteDish opened its doors, and has received much praise for its inventive twists on Midwestern cuisine.

I can't wait to hoof it on over (that whole block and a half) and try the Flavor Country Burger, the "Steak & Eggs" and the Tater Tot HauteDish... and, of course, sip on a few of their oh-so-tempting drinks.

Living downtown rocks.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

tuesday tunes: infinite arms

Oh the suspense! The National officially released High Violet today, and in one short week, Band of Horses will do the same with their new album Infinite Arms. My ears are overwhelmed!

This Saturday, you can check out The National, live from Brooklyn, on YouTube.

And, just as it was with High Violet, you can (legally) listen to Infinite Arms before the official release. Now all I have to do is sit back, enjoy, and cross my fingers that they add a tour date or two that brings them to the good ol' Midwest.

Monday, May 10, 2010

monday (un)mentionables: earrings and excel

"It’s Monday! Which for you probably means another week of trying to work while you are really wanting to just read wedding blogs."

Oh Style Me Pretty, you know me so well.

I had a great weekend at home with my parents, talking about mostly non-wedding related things, but also many wedding-related things. We made some decisions, did lots of brainstorming, and rooted around for inspiration... and ended up finding a pair of my mom's mom's earrings, which I will wear on my (our) wedding day.

Then, while walking around our venue last night, Andy and I made another important decision -- one which I feel really good about. (Oh the suspense!)

Coming off a weekend of wedding momentum makes PowerPoint decks and Excel spreadsheets seem quite uninspiring indeed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

wednesday what-have-yous: hair sausages

Yeah, yeah, I know. It's no longer Wednesday, but this little tidbit provided me with such fascination slash desire to gag that I figured what-have-yous are appropriate for any day of the week... just not before dinner.

thirsty thursdays: FAIL

I just looked through 360-some photos from a wedding I recently attended. When the link arrived in my inbox, I was pumped -- I love candid shots, and was thinking that since it was a small wedding, and I'd actually convinced Andy to hit the dance floor for more than two songs, the photog just might have snagged a new cutesy couple-y shot for us to admire. No such luck.

Instead I found myself hanging my head in slight embarrassment, hoping none of my coworkers would walk past and witness the carnage that glowed on the screen in front of me. No cutesy shots of Andy and me. Just shots of me dancing -- mouth wide open, thumbs jerked out, my "serious dancing mode face"... one after of another of me in true madwoman form. A Gallery of Punishment meant to teach me a lesson or two about enjoying vodka cranberries and loving to dance.

And, to top it all off, our Wedding Weekend Roadtripping Friends were rewarded for their drinking and dancing efforts with numerous shots in which they couldn't look more adorable. AND, the last wedding we went to with them they walked away with a Money Shot, which still graces a frame in their living room. Damn they're good.

Though I suppose it's for the best, since they're getting hitched in a mere seven weeks, and we have a marathon 13 months to practice our romantic poses and get this cutesy thing down to an art.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

tuesday tunes: high violet fever

On Saturday, I spent $260 on concert tickets at the Electric Fetus (plus another $22 on a hat, but that's not tune-related now, is it). The majority of my loot was for four friends, Andy and myself to experience what is sure to be an epic two nights in August. One of my (our) favorite bands is coming to First Ave, and this time I'll be there for the magic.

The National came in July last year, mere weeks after I'd departed on my Argentine adventure. I remember hanging around my room that night, homesick and teary-eyed about missing the concert, missing Andy, missing Minneapolis. Andy tried to make me feel better the next day, assuring me that I would've been thrown by the band's live versions of songs I held so dear. But I knew it was just a cover; I knew I'd missed an amazing slow show.

But this year, they're coming for two nights. Two! And I will be there for both. And, with an updated agenda, the band is sure to put on an electric performance.

Until its release on May 11, you can listen to their new album High Violet here.