I've been home for exactly two months. And it's been approximately that long since my last post. Not really the grand homecoming I had in mind. I'd pictured endless learnings and insights flowing out of my finger tips; I believed I would need to blog -- that it would have become such a part of my life while I was gone that it would fall some place in between yoga and cheese on my list of Life's Necessities. But it didn't happen that way, and that's okay. I think I just needed some time to reconnect here, to drink in all I had missed, to just be. Be home. Be quiet. Be social. Be engaged. Be back where I belong.
Despite my lack of writing, I think about it all the time. I think about blogging. I think about the thoughts floating around in my head that aren't becoming a part of my written history. I think about the readers I'm losing each day that I don't post. I think about how much I miss writing.
I think part of my hesitation to keep blogging was founded in my fear of how I'd make the transition from Argentinacita to Minneapoliscita. I formed this blog specifically to log my experience in South America; now that I'm back, will people still read? will I still have interesting things to say? Maybe, maybe not. But I've realized that as much as I appreciate those who have continued to check my blog, faithfully, for two straight months without a single word from me (yes, I know who you are), it's not about them. I need this place, this space, these words. So here I am, ready to reclaim them.
There may be some Argentinian anecdotes sprinkled in here and there, but I'm not making any promises. From here on out, you're more likely to read about the three kinds of cheese I ate for dinner last night than you are some strange story about my life in Buenos Aires. If that sounds as delicious to you as it does to me, then stay. And if you only signed up for Argentinacita, that's okay too; thanks for sticking it out as long as you did.
2009 was one hell of a year, and I have a hunch that 2010 just may follow suit.